molitor plumbing stockton il


(815) 745-2613



8072 East Rush Town Road, Stockton, IL 61085

(815) 745-2613

Stockton, IL

Residential Winterizing

Winterize your home

Residential Winterizing

Dwellings that will not be occupied during the cold winter season need to be correctly winterized. Before heading out to warmer climates, take steps that will conserve energy, save money, and ensure that your vacant property will remain safe and secure from preventable damage.

A suggestion to begin the process is a professional, whole-house inspection that will document the home’s plumbing, appliances, heating, and air conditioning systems. Options will be provided for any needed repairs before temperatures turn to freezing.

Water Systems

Coming back home in the spring to find burst pipes, damaged flooring, and instances of cracked wood can be a very expensive experience. There are certain steps you can do yourself! First, turn off the water at the main valve. Open all the faucets in the house and outdoors, and let the water drain from the pipes.

Our experienced plumbing technicians will take the extra step to remove any remaining water in washing machines, dishwashers, and drains, also by blowing out the pipes with compressed air. They will also drain the water heater and other water treatment systems. An RV antifreeze is used to treat toilets, the bottom of dishwashers, washing machines, and fixtures.

Heating and Air Conditioning Systems

When all water systems are drained, we can help to safely shut off the propane or gas line while you’re away. Some homeowners, however, prefer to keep the thermostat set at 50 degrees. However, we suggest that you still need to properly winterize the water lines. An extended electric power outage or a missed propane gas delivery could make leaving water lines intact a risky decision.

If you have a boiler, radiant floor heat, a recirculating hot water pump, a condensation furnace, or air conditioner, we suggest giving us a call for assistance in winterizing these systems.

Fall is also a good time to inspect and service central air conditioner systems and heat pumps to avoid the spring rush. Our technicians will inspect the exterior condenser/compressor and recommend any repair or replacement. The unit fins will be cleaned to remove any built-up dirt or debris, and we will clean the evaporator coil and evaporator drain. The air conditioner filter will need to be changed a minimum of twice per year.
